about gime

Corporate Headquarters
Palembang, Indonesia

Founded in 2023, Gime is an Indonesian company founded by CEO Joni. The company is headquartered in Rajawali, Palembang and has more than 40 offices worldwide. Today Gime is a leading interactive entertainment company and provider of 3D engine technology.

Gime Inc

Street Rajawali. Palembang, Indonesia, Tel +1 234 567

Frequently Ask Question

Yes! Our current openings will be posted on our career portal. Once registered, you may apply for open positions and/or submit your resume.

Please Contact us at email support@gime.com for support on all of our current products.

This is the third item's accordion body. Yes, we do support regional pricing in more than 190 countries and over 30 territories. We also provide suggested regional prices for developers based on regional exchange rates, local purchasing power, and industry experience.